This procedure outlines what is required by all staff to ensure compliance with the AOTS Privacy Policy, privacy and health record legislation.
- All clients must receive a Privacy Statement and complete a Consent Form before we can record any case notes.
- This needs to be completed at the commencement of every episode of care (so if a client’s file is closed for a period of time, then they request services from us again this is a new episode of care).
Therapist and Administration Staff Requirements:
- Therapists/ administration staff are to assist clients by reading and explaining any aspects of the privacy statement and policy to enable the client to sign the consent.
- CLINIC CLIENTS: Privacy Statement and Consent Form will be sent out in CI Therapy or Computer Based Therapy client packs to clients. If client returns to admin before first session admin will scan and upload to Iinsight. If client brings to first clinic session, admin will scan and upload to Iinsight (if time does not permit admin will inform therapist to do). The therapist is responsible for ensuring it is completed and filed before any case notes are entered.
- COMMUNITY CLIENTS: Privacy Statement and Consent Form will be in client pack, therapist to complete with client at the commencement of initial visit, scan and upload on Insight before entering visit/ appointment case notes.
- All staff are to ensure they verify the identification of a person before providing any personal information, and if not the client that consent has been obtained to provide information to the person making such request.
- All staff are to check that email and/ or postal address details are correct before posting out any information containing personal information.
English Literacy and Capacity Considerations:
- If an interpreter is required the client can either arrange for a family member they trust to interpret for them, or AOTS can obtain a quote for provision of interpreter services, all interpreter service billing will be at either the client’s expense or that of their referring service provider. AOTS will NOT pay for interpreters for clients. All arrangements and agreed hours of interpreting need to be arranged and documented before provision of any services.
- In the case of a dependent (under 18 years of age) or legal guardian if the client does not have capacity then their parent or legal guardian are required to sign the privacy consent form and any subsequent consent forms for disclosure of information, including the taking and storage of photographic or video data. (If the client still wants to sign also this is fine but ensure it is clear on consent forms which is the details of the legal guardian.)
Requests For Full Copy Of AOTS Privacy Policy:
- All requests for copies of AOTS Privacy Policy need to be directed to administration. Administration staff can provide to the client in their requested format either in hard copy to the person, posted, or by email (from account).
Privacy Enquiries Or Complaints From Clients:
- Clients can make a privacy enquiry or complaint about the use of their personal information. All staffs need to be familiar with the AOTS Privacy Policy. All Privacy Enquiries and Complaints are to be directed to the Privacy Officer (Vicki Abraham – Managing Director) as per the AOTS Privacy Policy. Staffs can request administration provides any clients with concerns a full copy of AOTS Privacy Policy and directs their attention to how to contact the privacy officer if needed.
Client Requests For Access To Or Correction Of Their Client Record Information:
- Clients have a right to request access to, or correction of their information. However, there are guidelines to what is required and then this is permitted. All requests are to be immediately directed to the Privacy Officer (Vicki Abraham – Managing Director).
Orientation And Training:
- All new employees are to be oriented to AOTS Policy and Procedures before seeing any clients.
- Staff will participate in in-services as arranged by Privacy Officer to remain up-to-date on AOTS Privacy Policy and Procedures. Regular audits will occur to ensure compliance. 100% compliance is expected.
You can also download the Privacy Policy